Important astrological energies for the month of October:
- Full Moon with Sun in Libra and Moon in Aries occurs on October 1, 2020.
- Mars closest to Earth on October 6, 2020. This won’t happen again until September 2035.
- Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune retrograde in Pisces on October 12, 2020. This is the third and last time this sextile occurs in this triad sequence. The first time it occurred was on February 20, 2020 when both Jupiter and Neptune were direct. The second time it occurred was on July 27, 2020 when both planets were retrograde.
- Mercury in Scorpio turns retrograde on October 13, 2020. It re-enters the sign of Libra in retrograde motion on October 27, 2020. It will remain retrograde in Libra until November 3, 2020.
- Mars opposes the Sun on October 13, 2020.
- New Moon with Sun and Moon in Libra occurs on October 16, 2020.
- Ceres in Aquarius turns direct on October 18, 2020. Ceres re-entered the sign of Aquarius on September 27, 2020. Ceres initially entered the sign of Aquarius on January 31, 2020 and stayed there until April 23, 2020 when it entered the sign of Pisces. It turned retrograde in the sign of Pisces on July 7, 2020.
- Full Moon with Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Taurus occurs on October 31, 2020.
Respect for Individuality
By Misty Kuceris ©2020
There are two significant astronomical events that occur during the month of October 2020 and both involve the planet Mars: Mars and the earth will be at their closest point on October 6, 2020, an event which won’t occur again until September 2035; and Mars will form an opposition to the Sun on October 13, 2020. Meanwhile, the month begins with the first of two full Moons on October 1st. The second full Moon (a Blue Moon also called a Hunter’s Moon) will occur on October 31st. Between the energy of Mars retrograde and the month starting and ending with a full Moon, there is this important realization that all of us are social creatures. While you don’t want to lose your individuality, you also don’t want to lose your connections with others. You may not find the answer this month, but you may know the question. How can I feel respect for others and agree there may not be common ground?
This first full Moon, also known as the Harvest Moon, has the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Aries. When the Sun is in Libra, you want to be involved in relationships with other people. But, with the Moon in Aries you don’t want to lose your individuality. This is especially true during this full Moon as the Moon is forming a conjunction to Chiron retrograde while the Sun is forming an opposition. You have a fear that if you lose your identity you may cause some injury in your personal life. In addition the Sun forms a quincunx to Uranus retrograde and this means that you can’t really count on other people at this time. They are too erratic.
During this full Moon you need to evaluate where you stand with others. You want to make certain that you’re getting the respect you deserve. It’s important that you know what you need and also stand your ground. You don’t want to let other people take advantage of you. You also need to look at your relationships to see if you’re getting what you want. Perhaps this is the right time to make changes in your relationships; perhaps even let go of those that don’t give you value while spending more time with people who appreciate you.
When Venus enters the sign of Virgo on October 2nd, you want to get things right. You don’t want to make mistakes. For this reason, Venus isn’t always comfortable in the sign of Virgo. Venus represents the need to take care of your needs. Virgo represents the desire to do the best you can to the point of pushing yourself too much. The best way to use this energy is to realize that you have the ability to achieve your goals and that you are always doing the best you can with the current knowledge you have.
As we move into October 4th, Mercury forms a quincunx to Chiron retrograde and several hours later Pluto turn direct.
Mercury forming a quincunx to Chiron retrograde is important because this starts the second triad sequence with Mercury which will turn retrograde on October 13th. The second time this quincunx occurs will be on October 22nd when Mercury and Chiron are both retrograde. The third time this triad sequence occurs is on November 15, 2020 when Mercury is once again direct.
With Mercury in Scorpio you don’t want to say too much. Privacy is very important. However, you may find that by being quiet you can cause some personal injury. You need to stand up for your rights. You don’t want other people to abuse you and get away with it. In addition, be very cautious of the information you hear from other sources. With the US Presidential election coming up on November 3, 2020, you may see an increase in the vitriol from various candidates running for office, especially in the Senate races. You may also see an increase in exaggerated information from various candidates that can either lead to distorted information or outright lies. Apply the facts you know to any news you hear because making a decision.
Normally when Pluto turns direct, it’s not that important. But today is different. Pluto went retrograde on April 25, 2020. During the time that Pluto was retrograde you experienced opportunities to delve into your subconscious needs as well as fears. These experiences set you on the path to understanding what is driving you on an inner level. Now that Pluto is direct, you’ll be able to evaluate your inner drives. You’ll be able to take what you learned and start moving forward with your life in a positive manner.
The other reason that Pluto turning direct is important is that now all the planets in the Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn conjunction in Capricorn are direct. Not only will you be able to take the positive that you learned about your inner drives, but you’ll also get a better idea of how to use your past experience to create a safer path as you move into the future.
Mars is at its closest point to earth on October 6th. The next time that this occurs won’t be until September 2035. With Mars retrograde at this time and also forming a square to the Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn conjunction, you may feel as if you don’t have the power you need or want to get anything accomplished. At the same time, you realize that it’s important to understand your goals so other people don’t throw you off track. While you may feel frustrated, you don’t want to approach anything in anger as that won’t solve any of your problems or let you move on with your life. What you can do today is take the time to acknowledge your frustrations. Find a way to start resolving them. And, although Mars is in the sign of Aries, realize that you can’t do everything on your own. You need to work with others in order to achieve results.
The third triad sequence with Mercury occurs when Mercury forms an opposition to Uranus retrograde on October 7th. The second time that this opposition occurs is on October 19, 2020 when Mercury and Uranus are both retrograde. The third time this opposition occurs is on November 17, 2020 when Mercury is once again direct.
It’s possible that people in the United States won’t know the results of the elections until November 17th when this aspect occurs for the last time. In the interim, today is a day where you need to be very cautious. Mercury represents communications and Uranus retrograde represents unexpected disruptions. There could be problems on social media. There could be attempts at computer hacks. Or, there could just be information that goes way beyond the truth. Be careful of what you hear. Also, make a note of the information you receive today because it’s going to be important on October 19th when this aspect occurs a second time with Mercury in retrograde motion.
As you listen to all the information that coming out today, you may find it difficult to focus because it’s just too much. For this reason, you need to move slowly and focus on the details, or else you could end up in an accident.
Even though Mercury will go direct on November 3, 2020, it will feel as if Mercury is retrograde until November 17th when this aspect occurs for the last time.
When Venus forms a quincunx to Chiron retrograde on October 8th, you want to think about how to protect yourself from other people. You don’t want to be taken for granted. You want to feel that you’re part of that relationship. Also, it’s important that you don’t criticize yourself too much. You want to be gentle and kind to yourself because the lesson is that no one can love you more than you love yourself.
October 9th is the second time that Mars forms a square to Pluto. The first time that this occurred was on August 13th when Mars was direct and Pluto was retrograde. The last time it occurs is on December 23, 2020 when both Mars and Pluto are direct. You may feel very frustrated as Mars in retrograde motion forms the square to Pluto. This frustration may even come from an event that occurred around August 13th when the square first occurred in this triad sequence. You may feel that other people are trying to control your life. You may also feel that you can’t get anything done because there’s too much tension under the surface that you don’t understand. This is not the time for getting into arguments because everyone will lose and you’ll have to deal with it again on December 23rd when this aspect occurs for the third time.
You start to feel better on October 10th as Venus forms a trine to Uranus retrograde. This is a good time to start new things. You’re willing to take risks because you trust in your abilities to succeed. In addition to feeling confident, you feel good about yourself in general.
One of the things that does seem to happen when Venus forms a trine to Uranus, especially with Uranus in retrograde motion, is that you run into people from your past. It’s as if the universe wants to give you that opportunity to see just how much you’ve changed.
On October 12th, Jupiter forms a sextile to Neptune retrograde. This is the last time this sextile occurs in this triad sequence. The first time it occurred was on February 20, 2020 when both planets were in direct motion. The second time it occurred was on July 27, 2020 when both planets were in retrograde motion. Now Jupiter is direct again.
Both Jupiter and Neptune rule the sign of Pisces creating what you might call a symbiotic relationship. They both deal with removing or destroying boundaries, although in different ways. Jupiter, especially in the sign of Capricorn, wants to push the boundaries of society while still remaining a part of society. Neptune wants to dissolve boundaries in a manner that people start isolating themselves.
When the first time this aspect occurred, the world was in the midst of the pandemic. Not knowing what to do and not knowing where to place the boundaries to protect people, most of the world started to stay-at-home and, when in public, begin social distancing. The old boundaries were dissolving and new ones were being established in society.
By July 2020, when this sextile occurred for the second time, people were beginning to come out of their isolation. They started developing other ways of coping while being a part of society. Face masks became both a fashion statement as well as a political hot button. Social distancing still continued but also, in many instances, quickly forgotten when in public.
Now that this sextile is occurring for the third and final time, you want to look at the structures that you’ve put in place. It’s time to determine if those structures are valid or if they need to be changed. There a real possibility that COVID may be on the rise again and you wonder what to do.
Once again you’ll see that there are new and unexpected circumstances that are changing the boundaries as you know them. It’s time to see how you can implement the changes you’ve made in life so that you can feel you have more control.
On October 13th, Mercury in Scorpio turns retrograde. It re-enters the sign of Libra in retrograde motion on October 27, 2020. It will remain retrograde in Libra until November 3, 2020. This is also the day that Mars forms an opposition to the Sun.
This is not going to be the easiest Mercury retrograde because of the three triad sequences that occur at this time: Mercury square Saturn, Mercury quincunx Chiron retrograde, and Mercury oppose Uranus retrograde. The triad sequences start on September 23, 2020 and don’t end until November 17, 2020. So this retrograde period will feel a lot longer than the usual three weeks.
Usually when Mercury is in Scorpio, you don’t want to say too much. You’d rather listen and observe. And now with Mercury retrograde, you really value your privacy. You don’t believe much of what you hear. You may even feel that conspiracies are abounding. There’s some help today as the Moon and Venus form a conjunction which than forms a sextile to Mercury retrograde. This means that it’s important to listen to your emotional needs and also your values.
During the time period that Mercury retrograde is in Scorpio, you’ll see that a lot of forces are trying to do things under the surface. There are secrets out there which will cause harm once they are revealed. There are also financial matters which could become a problem. Guard your money well. Keep an eye on your credit and debit cards to make certain that financial information isn’t stolen from you.
As Mars retrograde forms the opposition to the Sun today, putting your safety first is a top priority. At the same time this energy, with Mars retrograde in Aries and the Sun in Libra, shows you that while relationships are important in your life, you also don’t want to lose your individuality. You want to find and maintain that balance.
The energy of Mars retrograde forming an opposition to the Sun continues during the time of the new Moon which occurs on October 16th. This new Moon has both the Sun and Moon in Libra and forms a cardinal T-square. This T-square is created as the Moon forms a square to the Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn conjunction and an opposition to Mars retrograde.
Cardinal energies indicate that you want to start something new in life. On a spiritual level, the cardinal energy represents where your soul comes into your physical body so you can live on the earth plane to complete your karmic mission in life. To understand how this cardinal T-square operates not only do you want to look at the planets involved, but you also want to look at the sign that is not involved. In this case, the sign not involved is Cancer.
Cancer represents our home and safe harbor. It represents our tribe, the people we feel safest with and want to spend time with. Our tribe can be family members, but our tribe can also be our neighbors and our friends.
The conjunction of Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn represents the need to understand how our past can create that foundation to move forward. The Mars retrograde in Aries can represent where we need to acknowledge our individuality as well as the individuality of others.
While the negative aspect of this new Moon could indicate that there is more adversity between different individuals or groups, this new Moon could also indicate there are opportunities to discuss differences and find bridges. Cardinal energies can indicate crisis and chaos, but they can also indicate new approaches to life.
The question of whether to continue in crisis and chaos versus finding new approaches continues on October 18th as Venus forms an opposition to Neptune retrograde. Yet with Ceres turning direct later in the day, you may actually find your answer.
In spiritual astrology Neptune is often considered the higher octave of Venus because Neptune represents unconditional love while Venus represents passion. But, when Venus forms an opposition to Neptune, especially when Neptune is in retrograde motion, you find love a confusing situation. You don’t know whether you can trust the other individual. You’re not sure if you have to move forward with your life and forget about that person. Or, you wonder if you’ve met your soulmate.
When it comes to other matters, especially financial matters, you need to be very cautious. People are more than willing to deceive you. They either lie outright or deceive through omission. This is not a good time for any major purchases or signing any contracts.
With Ceres in Aquarius turning direct, you’re willing to work for a higher goal. Ceres actually turned retrograde on July 7, 2020 when it was in the sign of Pisces. It re-entered the sign of Aquarius on September 27, 2020.
Now, even though Venus formed the opposition to Neptune retrograde earlier in the day, you find that you do want to be part of a team to get things done. You want to get involved in some sort of organization that supports your belief system. You even want to continue moving on with your life because you’re tired of the pandemic controlling you.
On October 19th, Mars retrograde forms a square to Jupiter, Venus forms a trine to Jupiter, and Mercury retrograde forms an opposition to Uranus retrograde. This is a day where the level of energy is extremely high and can go either way.
As Mars retrograde forms a square to Jupiter you’re not sure whether you want to go out into the world and start doing new things or whether you’d rather sit back and watch to see what other people are doing. This is the second time that Mars is forming this square. The first time it occurred was on August 4, 2020 when Mars was direct and Jupiter was retrograde. This will not occur a third time because Jupiter will enter the sign of Aquarius before Mars reaches the other point.
The best way to use this energy is to re-evaluate some of the plans you made for your future. Perhaps they aren’t quite letting you move on with your life. Or, perhaps you based your plans on some past fears which no longer exist. The key is to review your commitments and see which ones are worth keeping and which ones need to be let go.
As Venus moves into the trine to Jupiter, it will for move into a trine to Pluto and Saturn over the next few days. With Venus forming this trine, you find that you have more confidence. You are willing to release some of those fears because you understand they aren’t valid in your life. You also want to honor people who are important to you. You want to show them some respect as you consider your next steps.
Yet, with Mercury retrograde forming an opposition to Uranus retrograde, it’s important that you don’t move too quickly or else you’ll miss some important information. Because this is the second time that Mercury retrograde forms this opposition to Uranus retrograde in this triad sequence, you may want to think back to October 7, 2020 when Mercury was direct and what information you received at that time. That same piece of information will resurface today. By the way, the last time that this opposition will occur is on November 17, 2020 when Mercury is once again direct.
On a personal note, it could be difficult for you to focus because of the information you’re receiving. For this reason, you need to move slowly and focus on the details, or else you could end up in an accident.
On October 20th, Venus forms a square to the Moon’s Nodal Axis. Venus represents the need to understand our values. And with Venus in the sign of Virgo, you want to be able to discern what’s important and what’s not important. As the Moon’s North Node is in Gemini, you want to learn how to communicate with others. Yet, with the Moon’s South Node in Sagittarius, you wonder just how important the big picture is. Perhaps you should pay attention to things going on around you on a daily basis.
This is an important day to consider your long-term plans and how you can develop small milestones to measure your success. It’s a time to realize that you don’t have to do it all at once. Instead, take baby steps. If you do that, you’ll have a practical approach to implementing your goals.
When Venus forms the trine to Pluto on October 21st, you feel as if you have more energy to put your plans into action. You feel passionate about your goals. You’re also able to listen and hear what other people are actually saying. You can’t be taken advantage of. And, you’re able to go into your own inner thoughts and understand a lot more of what is going on with your subconscious mind.
After the Sun enters the sign of Scorpio on October 22nd, Mercury retrograde will form its second quincunx to Chiron retrograde.
With the Sun entering the sign of Scorpio, you realize that it’s important to pay attention to events in the world. This is a time to observe more than act. Proceed slowly and just take care of your needs.
As Mercury retrograde forms a quincunx to Chiron retrograde, you find that you don’t want to say too much. Your privacy is more important. This is the second time that Mercury retrograde is forming a quincunx to Chiron retrograde in this triad sequence. The first time that Mercury formed this quincunx was on October 4, 2020 when it was in direct motion. The last time this occurs will be on November 15, 2020 when Mercury is once again direct.
You also feel that you don’t want to cause harm to other people with your words. You’re tired of seeing all the vitriol in the world. You’re tired of the political arguments or other disagreements with people in how to protect yourself during this time of the pandemic. You hope that by being silent you may feel more empathy for people in various situations.
As Venus forms the trine to Saturn on October 24th, you feel that you can build a good foundation. You know what you want. You know how you want to approach situations. You have a high level of confidence. And, you know how to take past experience and use that to build a framework.
When Venus forms that quincunx to Ceres on October 26th you feel a little confused. Venus and Ceres have a symbiotic relationship. Venus represents the passionate side of your nature. Meanwhile Ceres represents the calculating side of your nature. With the quincunx energy occurring between these two planets, you may not know whether to let your passion shine or to be more cautious and reserve. Perhaps it’s more important to review all the facts today and see which ones fit your sense of self. You may even determine that you need to compromise on some matters in order to achieve results.
As Mercury retrograde re-enters the sign of Libra and Venus also enters the sign of Libra a few minutes later on October 27th, you realize that relationships are important and you need their help in maintaining balance in your life. This is the time period to reach out to old friends. Find out what’s going on in their lives and share your own stories.
When Mercury retrograde was in Scorpio, you wanted privacy. You didn’t want to share your thoughts. But now you realize that you were alone too much. As Venus moves into the sign of Libra, you want to find ways to socialize. You want to share your affection for others. More importantly, you realize that you need other people to respect and value you.
When Mercury retrograde forms the trine to Ceres on October 28th, you feel as if you can look at situations from a calculating manner to determine how to proceed with various things in your life. It’s easier for you to communicate with others. But, you also know when to keep your mouth shut. You know how to listen without giving too much away. You also know how to help others without getting tangled up in their problems.
The second full Moon of the month, a Hunter’s Moon, occurs on October 31st. In this case, the Sun is in Scorpio and the Moon is in Taurus conjunct Uranus retrograde. There is this sense that you can’t relax. Emotionally you feel as if too much information is coming your way. You want to relax, but you don’t know what to do with all this information.
Don’t be at all surprised if some scandal isn’t revealed this close to the election in the United States. How people respond to the news will be interesting. It’s also possible that more hacks are attempted as people start to mail in ballots. Or, it’s possible that there are problems with some of the ballots.
But, with the Moon in Taurus, you also want to feel valued. Throughout this month, you didn’t want to lose your individuality. You may have even fought hard to make certain that it wasn’t lost. But now, as the full Moon occurs you also realize that you want to be respected by others not for your similarities but rather for your differences. And this month ends with the same question it began with: How can I feel respect for others and agree there may not be common ground?
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